European Certified Project Manager Certification (EC-PMⓇ) Terms and Conditions You must read and accept the following term and conditions to proceed to the exam. Certification The European Certified Project Manager (EC-PMⓇ) certification includes 50 questions and you will have 60 minutes to answer all the exam questions in a single session. To obtain your European Certified Project Manager (EC-PMⓇ) certification you must answer at least 60% of the exam questions correctly. Voucher Your exam voucher for your European Certified Project Manager (EC-PMⓇ) certification will remain valid for 365 days. Each password is only valid for one attempt. The exam vouchers are personal, non-transferable, and cannot be returned. Standard of Conduct for Assessments By taking our exam you confirm that: • You are the person whose name appears on the account. • You will not contact other people during the exam. • You did not have access to the exam questions before taking the exam • Your name can be posted on our website as a certification holder • The information that you shared during your certification process may be used for analysis purposes. • Any disputes between you and us will be solved exclusively by XPM Consulting’s representatives • We retain the right to suspend or terminate the certification of anyone who breaches this Agreement. Certificate and badge You must obtain a minimum score of 60% on the certification exam to gain the European Certified Project Manager (EC-PMⓇ) certification. If you gain the certification, you will receive a digital certificate and digital badge. Your certificate will only be provided in pdf-format. The name on your certificate and badge is the name you introduced on your profile right before taking the exam. Exam results and feedback We will not share detailed exam results to protect the certification integrity. Reexamination fee The exam voucher only allows one exam attempt. You will not be entitled to a refund or discounted reexamination fee if you fail the exam. Refund or cancellation policy There are no cancellations of refunds regarding certification and exam fees. System requirements It is your responsibility to ensure that you meet the system requirements, including compatible hardware, software, telecommunications equipment and Internet service, prior to start you exam. We are unable to provide refunds where your access to the exam is inhibited due to insufficient system requirements. Certification Marks License We grant you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use our Marks (European Certified Project Manager (EC-PMⓇ) certification) to confirm that you are a certification holder. You cannot associate the mark to your company or organization. Trademarks European Certified Project Manager (EC-PMⓇ) certification and other marks, logos and service names are trademarks of XPM Consulting. These trademarks cannot be used unless a written license was acquired from us. Prior Approval of Materials If necessary we will ask you to send us all the materials where your use our mark for our approval. You are not allowed to use our marks in a way that may harm our image and reputation. Termination Rights If you wish to terminate this Agreement you can send us a written notice. You will not have the right to any refund of your certification fees. If we cancel your European Certified Project Manager (EC-PMⓇ) certification you will lose all your rights under this Agreement immediately, you must stop using our marks and you will not have the right to any refund. Copyright The exams content (such as questions, answers, images and diagrams) is the property of XPM Consulting and cannot be shared, reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold or used for any commercial purpose. Confidentiality You agree that the exam content (such as questions, answers, images and diagrams) is confidential and cannot be shared with third parties. Indemnification Our services are provided “As is” without warranty of any kind. We are expressly disclaimed from all implied warranties, including but not limited to: (i) guarantees of satisfactory quality; (ii) merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose; (iii) uninterrupted provision of the Services; (iv) accuracy, completeness, correctness, reliability, and currentness of the information content, materials or products included on this website. We do not have any liability in relation to our services (whether such liability arises due to negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation, or for any other reason) for any: (i) loss of profits; (ii) loss of sales; (iii) loss of turnover; (iv) loss of or damage to business; (iv) loss of or damage to reputation; (v) loss of contracts; (vi) loss of customers; (vii) loss of, or loss of use of, any software or data; (viii) wasted management or other staff time; (ix) losses or liabilities under or in relation to any other contract; or (x) any direct, indirect, punitive (including, without limitation, willful infringement), special, incidental, exemplary, consequential loss or damage, or other damages whatsoever. Governing Law These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Portuguese law without reference to its choice of law rules. All disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in accordance with the said rules. The arbitration shall be held in the city of Lisbon, Portugal. Agreement changes We reserve our right to modify, at any time, this agreement or the exam outline and format without prior notice. Notices of updates will be posted on our website. Technical Considerations The website and its content is usually available 24X7, but may be unavailable during maintenance periods required for optimized performance. We will make every effort to inform you in advance of downtime, but this may not always be possible. Google Translate Plugin If you decide to use the Google translate plugin we cannot guarantee the translation quality. Language All Our exams are administered in English. Name on the Certificate Your first and last name will appear on your certificate if you pass the exam. If you want to have a different name on your certificate, please update your profile before taking the exam. Your Name: Your E-mail: I accept this terms and conditions Δ